U.S. farmers expected to plant less peanuts in 2018

United States Department of AgricultureProducers surveyed across the United States intend to plant an estimated 1.5 million acres of peanuts in 2018, down 18   percent from last year, according to the Prospective Plantings report released recently by the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS).

Georgia will still lead the nation in peanut planted acres with an intended 720,000 acres, even with a 14 percent decrease. Arkansas and Oklahoma growers intend to plant the same acreage as 2017. Two states with the largest decrease in planted peanut acreage include Mississippi at a 32 percent reduction and Texas at 31 percent.

The Prospective Plantings report provides the first official, survey based estimates of U.S. farmers’ 2018 planting intentions. NASS’s acreage estimates are based on surveys   conducted during the first two weeks of March from a sample of approximately 82,900 farm operators across the United States.

In other crops, farmers intend to plant an estimated 89   million acres of soybeans, down 1 percent from last year; 88 million acres of corn, down 2 percent from last year and 13.5 million acres of cotton, up 7 percent from last year.

The Prospective Plantings and all other NASS reports are available online at www.nass.usda.gov.

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USDA-NRCS in Georgia and Flint River District announce climate resiliency project sign up

State Conservationist Terrance O. Rudolph of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and Marty McLendon, chairman of the Flint River Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) recently announced that a sign up for the Climate Resiliency in Georgia, Florida and Alabama project is under way. The deadline for eligible producers in Georgia to apply is April 20, 2018.

Map of the multi-state project's river basins.This multi-state project covering Alabama, Florida and Georgia is one of 88 projects across the country that was selected for funding through last fiscal year’s Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP). The project area is the Apalachicola, Chattahoochee, Flint and Ochlocknee river basins in each respective state. The 62 Georgia counties include Banks, Calhoun, Carroll, Chattahoochee, Cherokee, Clay, Clayton, Cobb, Colquitt, Coweta, Crawford, Crisp, Dawson, Decatur, Dekalb, Dooly, Dougherty, Douglas, Early, Fayette, Forsyth, Fulton, Grady, Gwinnett, Habersham, Hall, Harris, Heard, Henry, Houston, Lamar, Lee, Lumpkin, Macon, Marion, Meriwether, Miller, Mitchell, Monroe, Muscogee, Paulding, Peach, Pike, Quitman, Rabun, Randolph, Schley, Seminole, Spalding, Stewart, Sumter, Talbot, Taylor, Terrell, Towns, Troup, Turner, Webster, White, Worth, Union and Upson counties.

Producers in these Georgia counties looking to improve on-farm climate change resiliency through water use efficiency, energy efficiency, and soil health on cropland; mitigate wildfire risk, increase carbon sequestration, and enhance wildlife habitat on forestland; enhance soil health, manage nutrients and improve water quality on grazing land as well as animal feeding operations, should visit their local USDA Service Center and submit their Conservation Program Application (NRCS-CPA-1200) before the April 20 deadline. Sign up in Alabama and Florida were announced by their respective NRCS State Conservationists.

“We are proud to once again work with the Flint River SWCD and its partners to help address some of their region’s most important challenges,” Rudolph says. “Their commitment to these river basins is inspiring and we are glad to be a part of it.”
The Flint River SWCD is based in southwest Georgia, but will lead this multi-state project that begins in the  headwaters of northeast Georgia, heading southwestern to the Gulf of Mexico.

“We are very pleased to be partnering with the NRCS and our many partners on another vitally important project to our region,” McLendon says. “It’s through partnerships on the local level all the way up to Washington D.C. that we make some of the longest lasting and positive impacts.”

Created by the 2014 Farm Bill, the RCPP is a partner driven, locally-led approach to conservation. It offers new opportunities for NRCS to harness innovation, welcome new partners to the conservation mission, and demonstrates the value and efficacy of voluntary, private lands conservation.

More information on NRCS conservation programs can be found at http://www.ga.nrcs.usda.gov under the Programs tab.

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Georgia Peanut Commission increases funding for research projects in 2018

GPClogo300dpiRGBThe Georgia Peanut Commission (GPC) board of directors has approved $581,896 in research    project funding for the 2018-19 research budget year. This action was taken during the commission’s March board meeting. The research projects approved include 34 project proposals submitted from the University of Georgia and USDA Agricultural Research Service.

“As a peanut grower, I’m proud to invest in the Georgia Peanut Commission and in the future of the peanut industry by supporting research that continues to demonstrate a return on our investment. The peanut industry continues to grow in Georgia and from that growth we are able to increase research funding again for the 2018 year,” says Donald Chase, GPC Research Committee chairman. “We are proud of our partnership with research institutions in the state and are excited about the potential benefits of these   projects for farmers in the state and the entire peanut industry.”

Georgia’s peanut growers invest $2 per ton annually toward GPC programs which includes research, promotion and education. The research programs primarily focus on peanut breeding, conservation methods, irrigation and water management, as well as, pests, weed and disease management.

Additionally, GPC manages funding for the Southeastern Peanut Research Initiative which includes research funding of $1,238,996 for projects in Alabama, Florida and Georgia. These projects are funded through the National Peanut Board checkoff dollars from farmers.

For additional information and a complete list of the research projects funded by the Georgia Peanut Commission visit www.gapeanuts.com.

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March 2018 Southeastern Peanut Farmer

The March 2018 issue of the Southeastern Peanut Farmer is now available online.
Click here!

march_2018_cvrwebThis issue features:

  • Peanut acreage on the rise in North Alabama
  • Peanut Weed Guidebook
  • Mississippi Peanut Growers holds annual meeting and trade show
  • Georgia Peanut Farm Show provides a day of education
  • Alabama-Florida Peanut Trade Show held in February
  • Check off reports from the state grower organizations
  • Legislative Update
  • Southern Peanut Growers Update
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Hataway hired by Alabama Peanut Producers Association

Kaye Lynn Hataway

Kaye Lynn Hataway

The Alabama Peanut Producers Association welcomes Kaye Lynn Hataway as program coordinator of promotions and communications. Hataway will be responsible for a   variety of APPA’s promotions, communication and educational programs.

“I’m very excited about working for Alabama’s peanut farmers,” Hataway says. “I love to promote and educate people about agriculture, so this position is a perfect fit for me.”
Hataway most recently worked as a 4-H extension agent in Appling County, Georgia. She has a bachelor’s degree in agriculture education from Auburn University and a master’s degree in education from University of New England.

Hataway is a native of Wetumpka, Alabama. She is married to Eric, and they have three children, Macy, Baker, and Tate.

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Brown named as Florida Young Peanut Farmer of the Year


Tyler Brown of Jay, Fla., receives the Farm Credit – Florida Peanut Producers Association Young Peanut Farmer Award during FPPA’s annual meeting, Feb. 22, 2018, in Marianna, Fla. Pictured left to right: Brown and Mike Digmon, regional lending manager of Farm Credit of Northwest Florida.

The Florida Peanut Producers Association recently held their 43rd Annual Membership Meeting, Feb. 22, 2018, at the Jackson County Agricultural Complex, Marianna, Florida. Many farmers from across the state attended and heard presentations on association activities, a farm bill update and a peanut supply and demand update.

Mike Digmon, regional lending  manager of Farm Credit of Northwest Florida presented the Young Peanut Farmer of the Year award to Tyler Brown, Jay, Florida.

Brown started farm on his own in 2005, beginning with watermelons but moved to growing peanuts in 2012 on 70 acres and plans to expand in the future. He also maintains a small commercial herd of cattle. Brown has been working in peanuts all his life. He began working full-time in 2007 with a local peanut and cotton farmer where they farm more than 1,000 acres.

Brown enjoys experiencing the crop progression, from planting a seed in May to the harvest in September. He has always wanted to be a farmer, even though people encouraged him to pursue other options. Growing up surrounded by agriculture in Santa Rosa County has given him a lifelong appreciation for farming.

He is also dedicated to serving his community. Brown currently volunteers with the local FFA Alumni association and serves as captain for the Jay Volunteer Fire Department. In 2014-16, he participated in the Florida Farm Bureau Young Farmer and Rancher Leadership Team and has also participated in the EscaRosa Young Farmer and Rancher Leadership Team and served on the Farm Credit Nominating Committee.

Brown says farming keeps him busy, but giving back to the community is important and has really helped him.

Farming has changed dramatically since he started. Technology, in terms of seed and equipment has become more complicated. He says environmental concerns have greatly increased, and farmers are actively doing more with less.  Brown says that tightening up pesticide and fertilization application rates have a positive impact for the environment and for the farmer’s bottom line.

He is impressed by the accuracy of precision agriculture, and how the planting of peanuts has become more fine-tuned, and how swath control on sprayers saves money, time, and overspray. Brown has readily adopted best management practices (BMP) and has signed up through the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services BMP program.

He has implemented research-based practices, including nighttime spraying, utilizing recommended varieties, and the Peanut Rx program for disease control. He scouts his own fields and makes decisions based on what he sees.

“The most important thing you put in your field is your own shadow,” Brown says.
With the ever-changing issues facing agriculture, Brown says taking advantage of every educational opportunity available is crucial. He attends meetings and conferences, reads trade articles, visits with other producers, and goes online to see the most updated information.

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Alabama-Florida Peanut Trade Show held in February

Marshall Lamb, research leader at the National Peanut Research Laboratory, provides a marketing and crop outlook for 2018 to attendees at the 13th annual Alabama-Florida Peanut Trade Show held at the National Peanut Festival Fairgrounds in Dothan, Ala., Feb. 8, 2018.

Marshall Lamb, research leader at the National Peanut Research Laboratory, provides a marketing and crop outlook for 2018 to attendees at the 13th annual Alabama-Florida Peanut Trade Show held at the National Peanut Festival Fairgrounds in Dothan, Ala., Feb. 8, 2018.

The 13th annual Alabama-Florida Peanut Trade Show was again deemed a huge success. The event was held on February 8, 2018, at the National Peanut Festival Fairgrounds in Dothan, Alabama.

This year’s attendance reached more than 400 with the largest number of exhibitors ever participating.

Peanut producers, along with others interested in the peanut industry and in agriculture as a whole attended the one-day event. In addition to the trade show, a marketing and crop outlook for the upcoming growing season was presented by Marshall Lamb from the National Peanut Research Lab in Dawson, Georgia.

Several door prizes were given away throughout the day, including Kelly Manufacturing Company’s Grand Door Prize that was won by Gena Waller of Glenwood, Alabama. The Grower Prize, presented by Amadas, was presented to Chris Parker of Headland, Alabama. Winner of a Remington shotgun was Reginald Britt of Campbellton, Florida. Winning a free trip to the 2018 Southern Peanut Growers Conference was David Davis of Cottondale, Florida.

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Budget Agreement Eliminates Generic Base

2017_gpt_albany_0302sCongress cleared a budget agreement and disaster-aid package that has a significant impact on farmers for the 2018 crop year. The budget agreement passed the House by a vote of 240 to 186 and passed the Senate by a vote of 71 to 28. The President has also signed the legislation.

The legislation includes $90 billion in disaster assistance for communities impacted by storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, wildfires and flooding. The legislation also includes provisions for cotton farmers by making seed cotton eligible for Title 1 Agriculture Risk Coverage and the Price Loss Coverage (PLC) programs.

Due to the new provisions for seed cotton, the generic base acres for farmers are eliminated for the 2018 crop. Growers will have to choose whether or not to move generic base acres to seed cotton base only or using the 2009-2012 crop year history and moving generic base acres to other covered commodities such as peanuts and seed cotton. Additional details will be forthcoming as the United States Department of Agriculture Farm Service Agency publishes details on how this will function for the 2018 crop.

To assist farmers in planning, the National Center for Peanut Competitiveness (NCPC) plans to launch the “2018 Seed Cotton Generic Base and Payment Yield Updating Calculator” this week.

The calculator was developed by the NCPC after reviewing the text of the seed cotton provision in the recently passed budget agreement and disaster aid package. The contents followed the procedures outlined in the 2014 Farm Bill for the other covered commodities payment yield updating and base reallocation provisions. Thus, the NCPC was able to utilize their previous decision aid built in 2014 that was based on the 2014 Farm Bill.

“The decision calculator program is easy to complete as it uses the software program Microsoft Excel,” says Dr. Stanley Fletcher, NCPC’s director and professor emeritus at the University of Georgia. “Farmers can follow the step-by-step instructions provided in the program in order to complete the calculator and determine their base acreages and payment yields. It is important for farmers to review all instructions before proceeding with the decision calculator.”

Peanut grower checkoff funds helped with the development of the decision calculator. Funds were derived from the members of the Southern Peanut Farmers Federation (SPFF). The SPFF is comprised of the Alabama Peanut Producers Association, the Florida Peanut Producers Association, Mississippi Peanut Growers Association and the Georgia Peanut Commission. Funding also came through the Southeastern Peanut Research Initiative of the National Peanut Board and farmer checkoff dollars from Texas.

“It is imperative for producers to begin the process of collecting the necessary data now rather than later, given the 90-day deadline in the law,” Fletcher says. “Documents needed by the producer for this process will include the 2018 FSA-156EZ and the 2008-2012 FSA-578 forms for each farm serial number and the associated tracts for that farm serial number.”

The NCPC developed the calculator to assist producers in developing farm strategies and decisions based on their individual needs. The calculator is available for download on the Georgia Peanut Commission’s website, www.gapeanuts.com. For additional questions, contact Dr. Stanley Fletcher, NCPC director, at 404-277-2319 or email at smf@uga.edu.


Download Seed-Cotton Provision in Regards to Payment Yield and Generic Base Acres.


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Georgia Peanut Commission holds Research Report Day


Mark Abney, University of Georgia Extension peanut entomologist, discusses the results of his research projects funded by GPC in 2017.

The Georgia Peanut Commission held the annual Research Report Day, Feb. 7, 2018, at the National Environmentally Sound Production Agriculture Laboratory (NESPAL), located on the University of Georgia Tifton Campus. The event provided growers and industry representatives an opportunity to hear the latest reports and newest information available on peanut research projects funded by GPC in 2017.

“The commission works to wisely invest peanut farmers’ dollars into research projects across Georgia in an effort to reduce production input costs and improve agronomic techniques,” says Donald Chase, GPC Research Committee chairman. “Although some of the findings are preliminary, the projects are exciting and many times new recommendations or observations are announced.”

The GPC, on behalf of Georgia’s 3,400 peanut farmers, awarded $523,496 to peanut research facilities in the state during 2017. This effort funds 32 research projects from the University of Georgia and the USDA Agricultural Research Service.

The Georgia Peanut Commission’s research programs primarily focus on peanut breeding for higher yield and improved quality; economics; conservation methods; irrigation and water management; pests, weed and disease management; and peanut allergy research.
Research reports are available online at www.gapeanuts.com.

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Morris elected chairman of the Georgia Peanut Commission

Armond Morris

Armond Morris

Armond Morris, peanut farmer from Tifton, Georgia, was elected chairman of the Georgia Peanut Commission during the monthly board meeting in February.

“I look forward to serving Georgia’s peanut growers as chairman in 2018. It is a pleasure to serve peanut producers in the state of Georgia and the commission is continually working to serve all peanut farmers in the state through research, promotion and education,” Morris says. “This is a critical time for Georgia agriculture and peanut producers. As farm income has declined, the next farm bill will be even more important to our peanut producers and family farmers.”

Other officers elected during the board meeting include Joe Boddiford, Sylvania, Georgia, as vice chairman and Rodney Dawson, Hawkinsville, Georgia, as treasurer.

Board members Tim Burch, Newton, Georgia, and Donald Chase, Oglethorpe, Georgia, represent District 1 and District 5, respectively.

Burch and Boddiford were both renominated without opposition to the Georgia Peanut Commission board of  directors at nomination meetings held on Dec. 14, 2017. The Georgia Farm Bureau Federation conducted the nomination meetings for the commission’s district one and three. Now, after renomination, they will serve Georgia peanut farmers on the board for the next three years.

The peanut producing counties of Georgia are divided into five districts in which peanut farmers elect a representative to serve on the Georgia Peanut Commission board.

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