Emergency Commodity Assistance Program Sign Up Begins

(March 18, 2025 – TIFTON, Ga.) The Farm Service Agency is issuing a notice in the Federal Register announcing the funding for the Emergency Commodity Assistance Program (ECAP), which will provide economic assistance payments to eligible producers of eligible commodities for the 2024 crop year. ECAP is a new FSA program authorized by the American Relief Act, 2025. This notice also announces the eligibility (commodities, acres, producers, and losses), payment calculations, payment limitations, and how to apply (pre-filled application and any required adjustments) for ECAP.

This document is scheduled to be published in the Federal Register on March 19, 2025, and available online at https://federalregister.gov/d/2025-04604, and on https://govinfo.gov (Pub. L. 118-158) and administered by FSA. ECAP will use up to $10 billion to issue one-time economic assistance payments to eligible producers of eligible commodities for the 2024 crop year. These payments are intended to help farmers cope with losses from natural disasters and a difficult farm economy, and will help preserve family farms and ranches across the country while also continuing to ensure food and agricultural security for our nation.

Eligible commodities include barley, canola, crambe, corn, dry peas, extra-long staple cotton, flax, large chickpeas, mustard, lentils, oats, peanuts, rapeseed, rice, safflower, sesame, small chickpeas, sorghum, soybeans, sunflower, upland cotton, and wheat. The payment rate for peanuts is $75.51 per acre.

Farmers can sign up on the FSA website on March 19 at https://www.fsa.usda.gov/ecap. Applications must be submitted by Aug. 15, 2025.

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March 2025 – Southeastern Peanut Farmer

The March 2025 issue of the Southeastern Peanut Farmer is now available online.
Click here!

This issue features:

  • Enrollment open for Sustainable U.S. Peanuts
  • Peanut Efficiency Awards Seeking Nominees
  • 2025 Peanut Weed Guidebook
  • Alabama-Florida Peanut Show a Success
  • Mississippi Peanut Growers Annual Meeting held in February
  • Check off reports from the state grower organizations
  • Legislative Update
  • Southern Peanut Growers Update
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Peanut Leaders Donate Peanut Butter to Capital Area Food Bank

Peanut industry representatives donate 5,760 jars of Peanut Proud peanut butter to the Capital Area Food Bank in Washington, D.C.

(March 7, 2025 – WASHINGTON, D.C.) The United States Peanut Federation (USPF) leaders combined advocacy with service during their March 2025 Washington, D.C. Fly-in. The Georgia Peanut Commission (GPC), in conjunction with USPF, proudly partnered with Peanut Proud, the peanut industry’s humanitarian relief organization, to donate 5,760 jars of peanut butter to serve the Nation’s Capital and surrounding areas. This donation was made to recognize and celebrate National Peanut Month in March.

“We are grateful to provide this donation of peanut butter to the Capital Area Food Bank to help ensure that those affected by food insecurity in this area can have access to safe, nutritional food,” said Joe Boddiford, GPC chairman.

USPF representatives were able to visit the Capital Area Food Bank (CAFB) and hear firsthand how this donation will positively impact families in the local community. According to representatives at CAFB, the peanut butter donated will be distributed as quickly as this week to children, families, and the elderly in the community.

Molly McGlinchy, deputy chief of programs and innovation at CAFB, expressed appreciation to the peanut industry representatives in attendance.

“Protein is a critical nutrient at all ages and all stages of life for the individuals that we serve, and peanut butter is a great way to provide that nutrient,” McGlinchy said. “It’s shelf-stable and kid-friendly, and always in high demand among our clients. We’re grateful for this donation, which will be distributed to neighbors across our region.”

CAFB works to address hunger today and create brighter futures tomorrow for the half a million neighbors across the region experiencing food insecurity. As the anchor in the area’s hunger relief infrastructure, they provide over 60 million meals to people in need each year by supplying food to hundreds of nonprofit organizations. They also work in partnership with organizations across the region to address hunger’s root causes by pairing food with other critical services.

March is also National Nutrition Month – a great time to recognize the nutritional value of peanuts. One serving of peanuts is a good source of protein, vitamin E, niacin, folate, phosphorus, and magnesium. Peanuts are naturally cholesterol-free and low in saturated fat.


The United States Peanut Federation (USPF) is comprised of the Southern Peanut Farmers Federation, the American Peanut Shellers Association, and the National Peanut Buying Points Association. USPF serves as a unified voice in Washington D.C. for all sectors of the peanut industry and advocates actively for strong agricultural policy. For additional information, contact Lorene Parker at (202) 543-7464 or by emailing lparker@reddingfirm.com.


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Celebrate March – National Peanut Month

(March 6, 2025 – TIFTON, Georgia) March is National Peanut Month, a time to celebrate one of America’s favorite foods! The Georgia peanut industry kicked off the celebration this week by hosting the 2025 Georgia PB&J Day in Atlanta, Georgia. During the event, the Georgia Peanut Commission and Peanut Proud donated 7,200 jars of peanut butter to the Atlanta Community Food Bank.

Peanuts and peanut butter were promoted during the event by industry partners serving grilled PB&Js, country-fried peanuts, peanut candy and more. Governor Brian Kemp presented a proclamation recognizing March as National Peanut Month while Sen. Russ Goodman, chairman of the Senate Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Committee, and Rep. Robert Dickey, chairman of the House Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Committee presented resolutions recognizing the importance of Georgia’s peanut industry.

“Peanuts are Georgia’s official state crop, and the state boasts the largest share of peanut production in the U.S. at 50 percent for the 2024 crop,” says Joe Boddiford, chairman of the Georgia Peanut Commission. “Georgia’s 4,000 peanut farmers contribute approximately $2 billion annually to the state and local economy.”

Sponsors and exhibitors included the Georgia Peanut Commission, National Peanut Buying Points Association, Kroger, Georgia Farm Bureau, National Peanut Board, Peanut Proud, Atlanta Community Food Bank, The Peanut Institute and the University of Georgia Peanut Team.

As part of the celebration, peanut butter valued at $10,000, was presented to the Atlanta Community Food Bank. The Atlanta Community Food Bank provides food and grocery products to more than 700 community-based, nonprofit partners throughout 29 counties in metro Atlanta and north Georgia. According to Kyle Waide, president & CEO of the Atlanta Community Food Bank, the need for food assistance is not going away.

“The Food Bank has seen a 60 percent increase in the need for food assistance over the past three years. We are distributing food in record volumes to 240,000 households each month,” Waide says. “Peanut butter is a protein-rich food that can be a versatile pantry staple for a family or individual in need. We are grateful to the Georgia Peanut Commission and Peanut Proud for this generous donation that will help serve the 13 percent of the state’s population and 1 in 5 Georgia children who are food insecure.”

Coincidentally, March is National Nutrition Month – a great time to recognize the nutritional value of peanuts. One serving of peanuts is a good source of protein, vitamin E, niacin, folate, phosphorus and magnesium. Peanuts are naturally cholesterol-free and low in saturated fat.

For additional details and photos from the 2025 PB&J Day, visit the Georgia Peanut Commission website at GaPeanuts.com.


About the Georgia Peanut Commission
The Georgia Peanut Commission was established in 1961 under the state’s Commodities Promotion Act. Today, the commission represents Georgia’s 4,000 peanut farmers and conducts programs in the areas of promotion, research and education. To learn more, visit GaPeanuts.com or follow @gapeanuts on Facebook, Instagram or X.

About The Atlanta Community Food Bank
The Atlanta Community Food Bank works to end hunger with the food, people and big ideas needed to ensure our neighbors have the nourishment to lead healthy and productive lives. Far too many people in our own community experience hunger every day. Through more than 700 community-based, nonprofit partners in 29 counties, we help thousands of families, children and seniors get healthy food every year. Our goal is that all hungry people across metro Atlanta and north Georgia will have access to the nutritious meals they need when they need them. It takes the power of our whole community to make that possible. In 2023, the Atlanta Community Food Bank distributed its one billionth meal. Join us at ACFB.org.


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January/February 2025 – Southeastern Peanut Farmer

The January/February 2025 issue of the Southeastern Peanut Farmer is now available online.
Click here!

This issue features:

  • A President from Plains
  • 2025 Peanut Variety Guidebook
  • Peanut Harvest Tour Educates Influencers
  • Peanut Leaders Hold Capitol Hill Meetings in Push for End of Year Priorities
  • National Peanut Board Officers Elected
  • 2025 Georgia Peanut Farm Show Provides a Day of Education
  • Check off reports from the state grower organizations
  • Legislative Update
  • Southern Peanut Growers Update
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USPF Witness Testifies at U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee Hearing

Garrett Moore of Moore Family Farm LLC in Chancellor, Alabama, testifies at the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry hearing held Feb. 5, 2025.

(Feb. 10, 2025 – WASHINGTON, D.C.) The U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry held a hearing on February 5 titled “Perspectives from the Field: Farmer and Rancher Views on the Agricultural Economy, Part 1.” The U.S. Peanut Federation was honored to have representation by Garrett Moore of Moore Family Farm LLC in Chancellor, Alabama.

Moore’s testimony highlighted the struggles facing the peanut industry, including growers, shellers, and buying points. He outlined the major financial challenges over the past few years, including supply chain disruptions, labor shortages, inflation, non-tariff trade barriers and low market prices. Despite the recently passed economic assistance package, farmers will still face significant deficits, with input costs rising dramatically.

According to peanut economist Dr. Stanley Fletcher, Professor of Policy at the Center for Rural Prosperity and Innovation at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College, the 2021 cost of production was $546.54 per ton, and reports the 2024 cost of production at approximately $656.80 per ton, a 20.17% percent increase over the course of three years.

During his testimony, Moore gave anecdotal evidence supporting the rising cost of production, stating, “On our farm alone, many of our expenses have almost doubled since 2018, and we are seeing no signs of relief in the cost of production area. For example, we need specific fertilizers to sustain nutrient levels in the soil, both for the peanuts we are growing and to protect the land for future crops. In the past few years, the significant increase in fertilizer costs has caused tough management decisions.”

Additionally, Moore emphasized the need for Congress to pass a new Farm Bill this year, and to include an increase in the reference price for the peanut Price Loss Coverage program (PLC) and a voluntary base update that will assist newer growing regions and younger growers.

“This testament to our current farm economy clearly conveys why we need a new Farm Bill. Peanut growers, shellers, and buying points all support the PLC program as included in the 2018 Farm Bill, but with a reference price increase. While the 2018 Farm Bill’s PLC program has been beneficial for peanut growers in the past, the rise in cost of production requires a reference price increase if this program is to remain relevant and valuable as a farm safety net,” Moore said.

“Additionally, the U.S. Peanut Federation supports a voluntary base update that includes growers with and without peanut base acres. While the 2014 Farm Bill allowed for base updating for peanut growers that already had base acreage on their farms, it excluded many young farmers and new production areas,” Moore added.

In closing, he stressed the importance of the peanut industry in the global food supply and urged continued support for farmers to ensure the future of agriculture.

“I am proud to be an American peanut grower and am thankful for the opportunity to contribute to our nation’s food supply. I hope to continue my family’s farm for a 5th generation, which cannot be done without increased support for our industry,” Moore said.

In addition to Moore, Mr. Zippy Duvall, President, American Farm Bureau Federation, and Mr. Rob Larew, President, National Farmers Union, also testified, as well as representatives from other commodities including cotton, corn, wheat, barley, sorghum, soybean, sugarbeet, and rice.

Watch the full hearing here.


The United States Peanut Federation (USPF) is comprised of the Southern Peanut Farmers Federation, the American Peanut Shellers Association, and the National Peanut Buying Points Association. USPF serves as a unified voice in Washington D.C. for all sectors of the peanut industry and advocates actively for strong agricultural policy. For additional information, contact Lorene Parker at (202) 543-7464 or by emailing lparker@reddingfirm.com.


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2025 Alabama-Florida Peanut Trade Show

More than 400 peanut growers and industry partners from Alabama and Florida attended the 2025 Alabama Florida Peanut Trade Show.

DOTHAN, Ala. (Jan. 30, 2025) – Peanut growers from Alabama and Florida were able to fine-tune their farming operations with information gained at the Alabama-Florida Peanut Trade Show January 30, 2025, at the National Peanut Festival fairgrounds in Dothan, Alabama. The trade show was hosted by the Alabama Peanut Producers Association (APPA) and the Florida Peanut Producers Association (FPPA), and sponsored by the National Peanut Board. The venue sponsor was the National Peanut Festival.

Over 400 peanut growers and industry partners from Alabama and Florida attended to view industry products and services offered by more than 60 exhibitors.

Researchers from Auburn University and the University of Florida were on hand to showcase the peanut research they are working on with the support of grower check-off dollars. Growers could talk to the researchers one-on-one about the research projects.

Trade show attendees enjoyed a special visit from the Planters® NUTmobile and Mr. Peanut®. The Peanutters, as the NUTmobile crew is called, visited with growers and learned more about how peanuts are grown. Mr. Peanut provided joy and entertainment to the trade show attendees.

“I thought the crowd and number of vendors were really good. Overall, it was a really great and informative meeting,” said Billy Hixon, peanut farmer and APPA Board Member from Banks, Alabama.

During the lunch program, attendees received an update from the National Peanut Board by Lindsay Dominy. Bob Redding of the Redding Firm gave a legislative update, and Dr. Marshall Lamb, from the National Peanut Research Lab, spoke to growers about the 2025 peanut market outlook .

Several door prizes were given out by vendors throughout the morning of the trade show, but the prizes everyone was most looking forward to winning were announced after lunch.

The Grand Door Prize, provided by Kelley Manufacturing Co., was a $5,000 voucher that can be used toward $5,000 off the price of any one piece of equipment or for $5,000 worth of parts for KMC equipment, was won by Gaylan Shelly of Brewton, Alabama.

Rene Jordan, of Bascom, Florida won a free trip to the 2025 Southern Peanut Growers Conference in July. Allen Mininger, of Walnut Hill, Florida won a Benelli 12 gauge shotgun.


Gaylan Shelly, winner of $5,000 KMC voucher.

Rene Jordan, winner of a free trip to the 2025 Southern Peanut Growers Conference.

Allen Mininger, winner of a Benelli 12 gauge shotgun.

View the full gallery of photos from the event here

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Georgia Peanut Commisison Research Report Day set for Feb. 5 in Tifton

The Georgia Peanut Commission will hold the annual Research Report Day, Feb. 5, 2025, beginning at 9:00 a.m. at the National Environmentally Sound Production Agriculture Laboratory (NESPAL), located on the University of Georgia Tifton campus at 2360 Rainwater Road, Tifton, Georgia 31793. The event provides growers and industry representatives an opportunity to hear the latest reports and newest information available on peanut research projects funded by GPC in 2024.

“The commission works to wisely invest peanut farmers’ dollars into research projects across Georgia in an effort to reduce production input costs and improve agronomic techniques,” says Donald Chase, GPC Research Committee chairman. “Although some of the findings are preliminary, the projects are exciting, and many times new recommendations or observations are announced.”

GPC awarded $791,639 to peanut research facilities in the state during 2024. This effort funds 40 research projects from the University of Georgia, the USDA Agricultural Research Service and Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College. The research programs primarily focus on peanut breeding, conservation methods, irrigation and water management, as well as pests, weed and disease management.

The agenda for the GPC Research Report Day is available online at www.gapeanuts.com. All research reports will be available online following the GPC Research Report Day.

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Alabama-Florida Peanut Trade Show set for Jan. 30

Make plans to attend the 20th annual Alabama-Florida Peanut Trade Show scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 30, 2025, from 8:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. at the National Peanut Festival fairgrounds in Dothan, Alabama. This one-day show is free and open to all farmers and industry representatives to attend.

Attendees will have the opportunity to visit with nearly 60 agribusinesses and organizations in the peanut and agricultural industry. Farmers can view the latest peanut research, and visit with researchers from Auburn University and the University of Florida at the trade show. New this year will be a breakout session, “Peanut Machinery and Technology Applications,” presented by Simer Virk from Auburn University.

Larry Ford, president of the Florida Peanut Producers Association, says, “The Alabama-Florida Peanut Trade Show continues to grow in participation from farmers and the agri-business community. We encourage anyone interested in peanut production to join us at the Trade Show and gain valuable information on the latest, most up-to-date advances in equipment, technology, communications, and many other services available to help increase efficiency on our farms.”

At the close of Thursday, there will be nearly $10,000 in door prizes presented to farmers, including a Grand Door Prize, vendor products, certificates, equipment, a trip to the Southern Peanut Growers Conference and more.

The Alabama-Florida Peanut Trade Show is hosted by the Alabama Peanut Producers Association (APPA) and the Florida Peanut Producers Association (FPPA). For more information about the show, contact APPA at 334-792-6482 or FPPA at 850-526-2590.

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Georgia Peanut Farm Show provides a day of education for farmers

fsconflogoMore than 1,500 attendees were able to fine-tune their farming operations with information gained at the 48th annual Georgia Peanut Farm Show and Conference Jan. 16, 2025, at the University of Georgia Tifton Campus Conference Center in Tifton, Georgia. The show is sponsored by the Georgia Peanut Commission.

The one-day show offered farmers a chance to view the products and services of nearly 100 exhibitors and education opportunities. The University of Georgia Peanut Team presented an educational peanut production seminar focusing on the impacts of multiple weather events in 2024 and what to expect in 2025, management of foliage feeders and soil borne insects, history of tropical spiderwort in Georgia and how to manage it, and effects of the expanded season and weather on leafspot management. An industry seed seminar was held, which highlighted peanut varieties available for 2025.

The Georgia Peanut Commission presented awards to individuals and businesses for their service to the peanut industry and promotion of peanuts across the United States. The award recipients include Distinguished Service Award – T.E. Moye, Jr., president of Georgia Federal State Inspection Service; Research and Education Award – Tim Brenneman, University of Georgia professor and plant pathologist; and the Media Award – Jim Wallace, retired news anchor for WALB TV.

The Outstanding Georgia Young Peanut Farmer Award, sponsored by the Georgia Peanut Commission and BASF, was presented to Ryan Ireland, Ashburn, Georgia. The award is presented to one Georgia peanut farmer based upon the applicant’s overall farm operation; environmental and stewardship practices; and leadership and community service activities. Ireland grows peanuts, cotton, corn, wheat, hay and cattle. Ireland strives to incorporate new and innovative ways to increase yields and be a natural steward of the land. Ireland chooses to focus on water retention, disease control and overall soil quality.

In addition to the Outstanding Georgia Young Peanut Farmer Award, the Georgia Peanut Commission and Agri Supply presented the Outstanding Georgia Peanut Farmers of the Year Award to individuals representing each of the commission’s five districts. The GPC board members started this award to honor farmers who have the passion, diligence, leadership and desire to see the peanut industry in the state of Georgia continue to be the highest quality. Winners include District 1 – Martine Phillips, Colquitt; District 2 – Billy Senkbeil, Sylvester; District 3 – Daniel Johnson, Alma; District 4 – Wayne Peavy, Vienna; and District 5 – Sauls Partnership, Shellman. These farmers received a sign to display at their farm and gift cards from Agri Supply and the Georgia Peanut Commission.

At the close of the day, the presentation of the Grand Door Prize donated by Kelley Manufacturing Co. was presented to Robb Lane, Omaha, Georgia. Lane received one season’s use of a new KMC peanut combine and the option of purchasing the combine from a KMC dealer with $15,000 off the list price at the end of the 2025 season, as well as a cash prize.

Amadas Industries also provided the Grower Door Prize to Melissa Williams of Lenox, Georgia, and Joey Williams, Lenox, Georgia. Melissa Williams received a customized Grizzly cooler and a certificate towards the purchase of a new Amadas self-propelled peanut combine, pull-type peanut combine, peanut digger or peanut dump cart. Joey Williams received a customized Grizzly cooler and a certificate for Amadas parts.

For photos and additional information on the Georgia Peanut Farm Show and Conference, visit the Georgia Peanut Commission website at  www.gapeanuts.com.

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