Peanut butter donation at the Autauga Interfaith Care Center – pictured (l-r) Heather Smith, Alabama Ag Credit, Amber Pratt, Alabama Ag Credit, Harold Gaines, Autauga County Farmers Federation and Alabama peanut farmer, Denise Brown, Autauga Interfaith Care Center, Gary Weaver, Autauga EMA, Keith McCurdy, First South Farm Credit.
(March 22, 2023) The Alabama Peanut Producers Association (APPA) partnered with Alabama Ag Credit, First South Farm Credit, Autauga County Famers Federation and Dallas County Farmers Federation to donate Peanut Proud peanut butter to the communities in Dallas and Autauga counties devastated by tornadoes in January 2023. While recovery efforts continue in the areas affected by the tornadoes, there are families still displaced from their homes. The peanut butter will provide these families with a much-needed nutritious food source that doesn’t have to be refrigerated and has a long shelf life.
“Peanut butter is the perfect disaster food,”

Peanut butter donation at the Selma Area Food Bank – pictured (front – back) Kaye Lynn Hataway, Alabama Peanut Producers Association, Jeff Harrison, Selma Area Food Bank, Amber Pratt, Alabama Ag Credit, Andy Leslie, First South Farm Credit, Dale Williamson, Alabama Ag Credit.
said Harold Gaines, an Autauga County peanut farmer. “It is non-perishable and provides nutrients in one perfect bite.”
The peanut butter was delivered on Thursday, March 16, 2023 to the Autauga Interfaith Care Center in Prattville, Alabama, and the Selma Area Food Bank in Selma, Alabama. Each location received four pallets of Peanut Proud peanut butter. That’s a total of 11,530 pounds of peanut butter – enough to make 161,280 peanut butter sandwiches!
Special thanks to Southern Ag Carriers for delivering the peanut butter to Prattville and Selma.
The Alabama Peanut Producers Association represents the interests of Alabama peanut farmers through education, promotion and research.
Peanut Proud, Inc. is the humanitarian arm of the peanut industry and assist peanut-producing states in responding to natural disasters by supplying peanut butter. To make a donation, visit www.peanutproud.org.